
Sunday, February 6, 2011

AbOuT My tWiN...

my twin???
bler mse lh plak aku ada kembar nie kn...
hehe2..msti korang tertanya2...tak tanya pun xper...
its ok..i just want to tell u as your information...

actually, aku ada seorang kawan "lelaki"...
hmm...mcm ner nk cite ek..malu plak rse nyer...
ahakzz...mengada2 plak kn...
kitorang kenal lalu laman sosial :ym:..
n then saling bertukar no telefon, so sampai skrng kitorang rapat lh..mcm adk bradik...

one day, kitorang deal about something...
why not if our relationship nie ada nama??
tak lh bingung nk jawab apa klu org tanya kitorang nie ada hbungan per sbenarnya kn??
so,i suggest to him yg just anggap kami nie mcm adk bradik angkat...
so,he said that i lh kakak...
but me say cannot...because kitorang sebaya...hehe..
n i just thinking n thinking...and got one idea...
why not we said that we are twin??
even not totally are male and im female...
muka pun tak sama..kira nyer kembar tak serupa lh kn....hahaha...
but, its least our relationship have a name...^_^..

i'am happy...
i already have my twin...( not really a true twin lh)...olok2 jer...
now, i can share my problem with him but not all lah kan...
to him...thanks a lot because exist in my life...
that's all...dadaaa....

* p/s: jgn slh anggap ttg our relationship that not more than friend...don't make your own assumption yer   without investigate it first... TQVM..


SyauqiEpy said...


jannah mohd nor said...

hehehhe...mcm ner??ok tak??sama ker kte???heheh...^_^

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jannah mohd nor
sandakan, sabah, Malaysia
* study degree in marketing at UITM kota kinabalu sabah... * part time business.. * from sandakan.. * willing to share the secret of beauty with other people...
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